New G20 irons show their pity to g15

Publié le par ping g20 irons

After Ping released the new G20 irons, the new irons begin to occupy the market quickly. When a lot of golfers are saying how excellent the Ping g20 irons are, the new g20 irons show their great pity to the predecessor and also succesfull g15 irons. The ping g15 are also the excellent irons, and they also once replace the previous G5 and become the No.1 on market. But now the new g20 come, Ping G20 Ironsso g15 must give their place to G20. Because the new irons mean the new design and technoloy,and mean they are more suitable to the market. 


The golfers who once played with the ping g15 may know that these ping irons always can provide the excellent distance control and accuracy, but now the new Ping G20 can give you better and more advantages. ping g20The ping G20 are designed to provide the maximun distance, control,accuracy and peformance to all the golfers. They own the thinner can lighter face which can allow four grams to be shifted more rearward in the head. Then it can provide higher ball flight and more carry with the long irons. The many Ping G irons own the custom tuning port, but the G20 irons strengthened this feature,it can expand the perimeter weighting and increase the MOI, then for more forgiveness. 


The new g20 irons are also said to can provide the everthing you need on the golf course, with these irons, g20 ironsyou may not remember the previous irons. But it is normal, because it is the war without gunsmoke . G5 was beat by G15, and the g15 was beat by G20. But I think this is good for our golfers, it means Ping can provide the better aand better clubs to us,ping irons g20and our golf may also become better along with new clubs. Then, the current market is for Ping G20 irons, the latest clubs. But we can't sure how long the G20 irons can occupy the market, it maybe long, but also maybe very short.

Publié dans Golf Equipment

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